Nolan Craig: 12 Months!

Well, the day has come and gone and I now have a 1 year old! I can’t even believe’s been a whole year since we welcomed this little bundle of joy into our lives! And ever since, he’s proven to me that he is nothing like his brother. He tests me more as a baby than Braxton ever did. Haha! But I’ve definitely enjoyed being able to watch him grow and learn within this last year! Nolan doesn’t like to sit still for very long at all. He is also the baby we never really had. 🙂


Age: 12 months on March 11, 2016
Weight: 20 lbs
Height: 31 inches long
Teeth: 5.5
Clothing size: 12 months
Diaper size: size 3
Milestones: Nolan is starting to take itty bitty baby steps as he tries to figure out the whole balance thing. 🙂 He still says “mama”, “dada”, and “baba”. He loves to wave buh-bye and heyyy! He will still blow kisses and will sometimes give kisses. He also claps his hands when we say “yay” or “patty cake”. 🙂 But he loves to clap them whenever.

Likes: he is still a big mommy’s boy, he loves to play with Braxton and Tucker (or feed Tucker), and play with Daphne. He still loves food but has started hitting, throwing things, and biting. Lord, help me! He is still very oral- chew toys are his favorite and everything still goes in his mouth!

Dislikes: He still really isn’t a huge fan of long car rides (8+ hours), being walked away from, being told “no”, not being right by his mommy, and getting dressed/changed. It’s seriously like wrestling a monkey or something! It’s awful.

Sleeping: Nolan still isn’t the greatest sleeper. I consider myself lucky if he sleeps for 2-3 hours at a time at night and even takes a decent nap. He’s definitely not a sleeper like Braxton was even though, it makes for a very crabby baby!

Eating: Nolan LOVES to eat! I’m still not sure what his favorite food would be because he will pretty much just eat anything we put in front of him.

Best Moments: This month, it was fun to see him start to attempt to walk. We enjoyed celebrating the boys’ birthday’s, which is always a fun time. Nolan LOVED his cake, to say the least! 🙂 (not a big shock there, though;P). As much as it tends to give me a heart attack, it’s fun to watch him play and climb on Braxton’s recliner, which I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to get Nolan his own!

Mommy Update: Mommy is hanging in there, to say the least. It’s harder than I imagined to juggle 2 kids but somehow, I’m managing! I love being able to go visit my mom so she can help a bit and loved having Grandma Jo and Aunt Ryan here to help watch/play with the boys for their birthday party!


Nolan Craig: 11 Months Old!

I cannot believe I’m sitting here typing about Nolan being 11 months old and he’ll be 1 next month! I’m not ready for it! 😦 We had a fairly busy first couple of weeks while we were in Florida, but we had a great time, too! We even got to visit my grandma for a day and it was so nice to have that time with her. It’s truly amazing to see how much Nolan (and Braxton) have grown up in the past all went so fast!


Age: 11 months on February 11, 2016
Weight: 18.9 lbs
Height: 29 inches long
Teeth: 4.5
Clothing size: 12 months but the arms are starting to get a little short! :/
Diaper size: size 3
Milestones: Nolan is now starting to stand up and let go of the object and balance for a couple of seconds. I can’t believe that he is trying to walk, already! He’s still my little baby! He says “mama”, “dada”, and “baba”. He can wave ‘buh bye’ and sometimes “hi” (if he wants), he claps for patty-cake, and will sometimes blow kisses. 🙂 He is still trying to learn how to use a sippy cup but I think we’re slowly starting to make some progress!

Likes: he is still a big mommy’s boy, he loves to play with Braxton and Tucker (or feed Tucker), and play with Daphne. He absolutely loved his Grandma Jo while we were in Florida visiting..he followed her around like crazy! He mostly just likes to get into everything and explore! He also loves to eat!

Dislikes: He still really isn’t a huge fan of long car rides (8+ hours), being walked away from, being told “no”

Sleeping: Nolan still isn’t the greatest sleeper. I’m pretty lucky if he sleeps longer than an hour at a makes for a long night. His naps are also not very consistent. He can fall asleep ok and stay asleep for a little while but if he stirs and wakes up and I’m not there to pat him or something- he gets MAD! And that’s generally when nap time is over. 😦 I’ve noticed that he tends to sleep better if he eats well. But if he skips a nap, he won’t eat very well. It’s just a constant struggle, it seems like. I’m just still hopeful for the future!

Eating: Nolan LOVES to eat! I don’t even know if he has a favorite food because he will and loves to eat anything. He’s eaten spaghetti, lasagna, pizza crust, green beans (favorite), ham, cookies, tortilla, really anything we eat. He also doesn’t mind to be fed but he would much rather do it himself a lot of the time.

Best Moments: This month it would have to have been seeing him with his Grandma Jo. He’s really not big into guys, yet- he’s very leery with them and it takes a him a little while to warm to them but a girl- he’s all about! 🙂 He would follow his Grandma Jo around like a little puppy dog. It was adorable and I just love to see how other people interact with him and love on him. Plus, it’s nice to let mommy have a break, too.

Mommy Update: Mommy loved the extra help in Florida. 🙂 Ha-ha! It worked out really well because Heath was able to come down for a week with us, so he was at the house for the week that Jo was working and then she was home the next week when he was gone. It was nice to have Jo there to help and everything but honestly, I just loved seeing her in her element with the kids. ❤ It’s my favorite to see people we don’t get to see very much. I still struggle, daily, with both of the boys who like to drive me crazy but I still try to be the best mom I can be.

Nolan Craig: 10 Months Old!

This post is late, so sorry! I’ve definitely been slacking but it’s hard! I never really realized how hard it would be but these two boys definitely keeps things interesting! We had such a great time in Wisconsin, visiting our family, and Braxton had a great time playing in the snow! I think Nolan loved having all the extra room to play and loved playing with Lexy’s stand up-light up toy thing! 🙂 This month was a busy one but it was definitely a fun one!


Age: 10 months on January 11, 2016
Weight: 18 lbs, 4 oz
Height:  29 inches long
Teeth: 4 now!
Clothing size: 12 months clothes
Diaper size: size 3
Milestones: Nolan is honestly the fastest crawling little babies I’ve ever seen! And sneaky! He will follow you everywhere and do it quietly! Nolan says “mama”, “dada”, and “baba” which I have no idea what it means but it’s still cute. He’s still a big mommy’s boy, for sure! He constantly (still) stands up on everything and anything he can!

Likes: he is still a mommy’s boy, he loves Braxton and Tucker, and chewing on everything. He likes foods but not the purees, he likes chewing on everything and putting everything in his mouth. He also LOVES dog toys- doesn’t matter if it’s a nasty bone or a new squeaky toy- he likes it and wants it. He’s a mini dog!

Dislikes: He hates really long car rides (longer than 8 hours), mommy doing something/anything, and not getting his way.

Sleeping: Nolan still doesn’t sleep very well. He sleeps great if he is right next to his mommy. Other than that, he’s up every 30 minutes for no reason. I think the longest he’s gone is like 2 hours. It’s exhausting! Yes, I try putting him down in his crib but it really doesn’t last very long..and only because I get too tired to keep going back and forth.

Eating: Nolan loves eating food! He pretty much will eat any and everything! He loves bread (wonder where he got that from? ;)) and is still learning how to use a sippy cup, since he won’t take any bottles. He is my stubborn baby, for sure!

Best Moments: I love watching him play with new people and new toys. He is just so cute! 🙂 I love to watch him learn new things and interact with everyone. I think he really liked Gerrit and was trying to figure out how he was doing that whole walking thing! Lol.

Mommy Update: Mommy is doing well..just tired, as usual. I struggle with a lot of things with the boys but I’m trying. I think school for Braxton this next year will help a lot (or at least, I hope it does). I was going to go to a MOPS group but it ended up getting cancelled due to the snow/ice so I’m going to try again next month because I think that would be amazing for the boys AND I! Mommy just needs some adult interaction more than what she gets now. 🙂

Nolan Craig: 9 Months Old!

Oh, what a month it has been! I feel like I’ve either been sleep deprived or just plain busy..which is why this is late. I’ve tried to keep track of everything as best as I could, though. Nolan celebrated his First Christmas this month AND had his first tooth poke through on Christmas day! I cannot believe how big he’s getting. He’s decided to start crawling pretty regularly but will still get on his belly and scoot. He’s kind-of a punk like that, which I’m pretty sure he’s learned from his big brother. 😉


Braxton, Nolan, and I had the chance to go up to Wisconsin to do Christmas with family and since Heath got hurt and used up all of his sick time and vacation time, he wasn’t able to come with. I think we all had a pretty fun time, though, and it was so fun to have everyone together again.


Age: 9 months on December 11, 2015
Weight:  18 lbs
Height:  28.5 inches long
Teeth: 2 already!
Clothing size: 12 months in everything even though some things are still kinda big on him.
Diaper size: size 3
Milestones: Nolan has decided to finally start crawling for most of the time. He will still get down and scoot on his belly but otherwise, he’s crawling like crazy. He can sit up on his own after he’s done crawling. He can pull himself up to a standing position and puts everything in his mouth.

Likes: he is still a mommy’s boy, he loves Braxton and his goofiness, he likes Tucker as long as he’s not slobbering him in the face, and his daddy- especially when he tickles and acts goofy with him! He likes to play with dog toys, dog food, dog water, anything that’s for a dog- he likes it. He still loves his pacifier, too!  He seems to play with Braxton’s toys more than his own, now, too. He likes to try and feed himself finger foods, & he likes to get into everything!

Dislikes: He hates long car rides, being put down away from momma, purees aren’t really his thing, mommy walking away, getting out of the bath, and bedtime.

Sleeping: Nolan isn’t a very good sleeper. He doesn’t like to take naps without mommy (which I guess is kind-of my fault..but let’s be honest, mommy likes a nap, too!) and will only sleep in his crib at bedtime until about 3AM before he decides he’s had enough. By that point, I’m too tired to really fight with him anyways so he’ll sleep with us in bed and he still will wake up every couple of hours. I think having Braxton be such a great sleeper, we just didn’t get as lucky with Nolan, is all. 🙂 Every child is different and not everyone is a sleeper..I just hope that the older he gets, the easier/more he will sleep.

Eating: Nolan has started to eat solids! I’ve tried purees with him and he’s just not been feeling it as much as Braxton did as a baby. So, with Nolan, I’m doing more of the Baby Led Weaning thing and I think he enjoys it more. He would much rather feed himself and it just works out a lot better too. While in Wisconsin, he had some roast and loved it! He loves sweet potatoes, as well.

Best Moments: He had such a good time in Wisconsin with all of the kids and I just love watching him grow and change. As much as it kills me that my sweet baby is growing, it is fun to watch him! I love seeing him actually crawl, sit up on his own, pull himself up to stand, walking along things, and trying to start talking. 🙂

Mommy Update: Let’s just be honest- Mommy is constantly tired. I am even surprised how I even have hair! Between the two boys, it’s hard. I don’t even know how people do it with more than 2 children..they are my heroes! Braxton has been so sassy lately and has such an attitude and I’m sure it has something to do with his age but it’s really wearing on me, lately. Nolan is very clingy so it makes it hard to do much of anything. I’m constantly telling myself to just remember to pray! 🙂


Nolan Craig: 8 Months Old!

What a hectic month it has been before Nolan turned 8 months old! It was pretty nice having Heath home to help out because I really needed it! Tucker ended up getting Parvo and had to hospitalized for almost a week (and it wasn’t cheap at all) so his sickness and everything got my nerves going quite a bit. We’ve been struggling with Braxton’s attitude lately, a lot, too. BUT we made it! And are still pushing through! 🙂


Tucker was thrilled to be home..and so were the rest of us!

Age: 8 months on Nov. 11, 2015
Weight:  21lbs
Height:  28.5 inches long
Teeth: zero!
Clothing size: 6 month onesies, some 9 month pants, 12 month sleepers!
Diaper size: size 3
Milestones: He still scoots a lot and he’s FAST!! He still gets up on his knees and rocks for a while but always just gets back down on his belly and scoots. He also almost got up on his feet when he was by the kitchen chair. It was crazy! He likes to chase mommy as I sweep up things (which isn’t ideal) and he’s getting better at eating his purees! I still don’t really push it or anything but every once in a while, he gets it. 🙂 Nolan also says “mama”, “dada” and “baba” along with other jabbering. 🙂

Likes: he is definitely a mommy’s boy! He loves when Braxton talks to him or plays with him, (sometimes) his Jumperoo, scooting and getting around. He is actually like a dog, too- he likes to chew on shoes and gets into Tucker’s water bowl whenever he can! He likes cords a lot, too.

Dislikes: He still really doesn’t like strangers much..he needs a little time to warm up but he seems to more likely to warm up to women than men. He’s still not a big fan of his car seat but once I put his paci in, he’s usually pretty good. I think he is becoming a better traveler, too! Yay!!

Sleeping: Nolan does ok with sleeping at night. We definitely still have our bad nights and everything but he will stay in his crib for the majority of the night, now. Naps are a totally different story! I can put him down when he’s in his deep sleep but when he wakes up, which is like 30 minutes later, he’s up. He’s not one to wake up and go back to sleep. I still, usually take a morning nap with him for two reasons: 1. I know he, at least, gets a good nap in and 2. I get some sleep, too! 🙂 It’s a process and we’re still working on it.

Eating: Nolan is still mostly nursing. It’s just so easy for both of us! He is getting much better at eating food, though. He always makes a ‘sour face’ when he eats something with mango in it, so far. We haven’t tried him on very many different foods because he doesn’t eat that much food. Plus, he ended up catching a little bit of Braxton’s cold this month, so I kept him on the boob to try to get it out of him as quickly as possible! And I’ll have to say that I can see a difference! He still has a little cold but really not that bad, at all! Yay, boobie milk!

Best Moments: his giggle is the best! I love when Braxton plays with him and he just laughs and laughs. It’s adorable! I’d also have to say seeing him try to stand was pretty cool, too. Insane, but cool! I love his babbling, too.

Mommy Update: Mommy is a little stressed out, lately, to be honest. Nolan is a total mommy’s boy and if he can’t see me or I’m not holding him, he isn’t exactly the happiest. Every once in a while, I can have a little break, but it doesn’t usually last very long. And on top of that, Braxton has been really showing me how AWFUL the “troublesome three’s” are. He has been wearing us out! I thought it would be nice to have Heath home but it doesn’t seem to matter much with Braxton’s attitude. So, we are all just hanging in there. Parenting is by far the hardest job I’ve ever had!


Nolan Craig: 7 months old!

Time just keeps creeping by me as I keep trying to put off starting to plan the boy’s birthday party. :/ During Nolan’s 7th month of life, his daddy, Heath, sprained 3 of his ligaments, so he’s been home with us. It is weird but it’s kind-of nice to have the extra help (now that he can kind-of hobble around) and extra set of hands. 🙂 Nolan is still a very big momma’s boy!


Age: 7 months on Oct. 11, 2015
Weight: 20 lbs
Height: 28.25 inches long
Teeth: NONE!!!
Clothing size: 6 month onesies and 9 months sleepers!
Diaper size: size 3
Milestones: Nolan likes to get up on his knees and wants to crawl so bad but just can’t quite get the hang of it. He does this weird inch worm thing to get around, though, and he can be fast! He’s still kind-of getting the hang of eating and the foods thing but I don’t really push it on him.


Likes: his mommy!!!, his brother, his jumperoo, crawling around, Tucker (most of the time), and standing up!

Dislikes: strangers, his car seat, and really loud noises!

Sleeping: well, it could be worse but it could be better, too! Haha. I think he’s so used to sleeping with me that it’s hard for him to not. He starts out in his crib in the beginning of the night but by the 1st or 2nd time he wakes up- he just ends up in bed with me. I don’t mind but we’re kind-of working on getting him to take a nap on his own..which isn’t going very well, at all. 😦

Eating: Ahhh….eating..! It’s ok alright. I really don’t push it too much because food before one is just for fun! I think he’s starting to kind-of get the hang of it, though. He still kind-of gags and stuff but in due time, he’ll get it. It’s just so much easier for me to put him on the boob!! 😛 He seems to like apples and bananas so far but not liking mashed potatoes too much!

Best Moments: Watching him grow, honestly! I think his “inch worming” is too much as I know it means he’ll be mobile soon, it’s still adorable! I do really love to watch him with Braxton, too. I guess just hanging out with him are some of my best moments, though!

Mommy Update: Mommy is doing pretty good! Now that I have Heath home, it took a little while for us all to get used to but we’ve got the groove down pat, now. 🙂 Braxton has been testing my patience in the worst ways lately and I’m so ready to have my sweet boy back anyyyyytime now. :/ Just keep me in your prayers! lol


Nolan Craig: 6 Months Old!

This doesn’t seem like it is real right now. How on earth is my baby already half a year old, already? I really am not ready to start thinking about planning the boys’ birthday party! Right before Nolan turned 6 months old, we finally went to the water park for the first time this year and we all had a blast!


Age: 6 months on September 11, 2015
Weight: 18.5 lbs
Height: 29 inches long
Teeth: 0 teeth!
Clothing size:
3-6 month clothes & 6 month sleepers
Diaper size:
size 2
Nolan is starting to try and push up to start crawling, already! I really can’t believe it but I know it’s coming. He’s also a lot more interested in food and eating, now. I gave him some of my ice cream last night and he loved it so I’m pretty excited to see how he’ll do with applesauce and other foods. 🙂 My little man is growing up so fast!

Likes: being talked to, seeing new faces, Braxton playing/singing/dancing/anything, bath time, sleeping on mommy, and getting anything into his mouth.

Brax loves getting in the pictures with Nolan

Brax loves getting in the pictures with Nolan

Dislikes: being left alone, not being able to see momma, & really long car rides.

Sleeping: He’s not exactly sleeping the greatest and he usually ends up in bed with me because I’m too tired to do anything else & I generally fall asleep while nursing him. I’m really hoping that he’ll get back into a better sleep schedule soon but I’m not holding my breath.

Eating: Nolan eats fine as long as he’s hungry. He’s been known to “pop off” quite a bit now if he’s distracted (usually by Braxton) but he still eats pretty good. I’d say he still eats every 3-4 hours and definitely right before naps and bed time.

Best Moments: as hard as it is for me to see him grow up so fast, it is exciting for me to see him starting to try and crawl and want to eat foods. And as much as I hate that he’s growing up on me, I really am excited for when him and Braxton can play together because I know that’s what Braxton is wanting. 🙂

Mommy Update: Mommy is hanging in there! I’ve been pretty tired lately, which I assume is because Nolan doesn’t sleep all that great right now. I’ve been fighting a cold and/or allergies lately, too, so I don’t think that helps with my tiredness. I’m thankful for a pretty great support system, though!


I Cried Today..

I cried today. Today was a rough one but I made it. How do I not drink more often? I wish I still did drink, in the first place because today just sucked. Plain and simple.

No one told me that being a stay at home mom was going to be so hard. They just said it would be worth it. Which, I guess, in a way it is but it’s also the hardest job I’ve ever had to do. And I’m lazy. I’m the laziest mom out there, probably. But I still try. I still try to be a decent mom.

No one told me how hard it would be to take a very independent 3-year-old and a 4-month-old grocery shopping. No one told me that the 3 year old would push me to the very edge and probably push me right over it, too. In public. No one told me any of this, but I’m still learning. Brax doesn’t always listen because I’m his mom and that would just be too easy! He back talks me on a regular basis but he’s also learning. And I’m learning. It’s hard but it also needs to be done. Punishment sucks but I’m not raising a hoodlum here, either.

No one told me how hard it was going to be to listen to my 4 month old cry and scream on and off for no reason for 3 hours at night. All the while having a 3 year old ask you to do this and that. Overwhelming is just the beginning of what I was feeling, I was feeling defeated. I was ready to throw the towel in. But I didn’t. I stuck it out and hung in there. Did I cry? Yes. A little bit but sometimes, it’s all you can do and that’s OK.

No one told me it was going to be hard to be married to an EMT who works 24 hours (if not more) at a time. That’s when I feel like a single mother (besides the whole money/work thing, of course) and I thank God everyday that I’m not..because when Heath gets home I do get a little break, when the kids allow it. 😉

No one told me how hard being a mom was going to be. They just told me it would be worth it. And they were right. Yes, I have my bad days. Yes, I feel defeated, overwhelmed, frustrated, depressed, and beat but I wouldn’t trade my boys for anything. They push me to my breaking point and I know it’s just going to get worse but I guess that’s part of my ‘job’. It’s the hardest yet most rewarding job I’ve ever had the privilege of having. It is so worth it. They are so worth it.

Vander Warf Photography

Vander Warf Photography

Uncle Pete Photography

Uncle Pete Photography

Vander Warf Photography

Vander Warf Photography

Uncle Pete Photography

Uncle Pete Photography

Nolan Craig- 5 months old!

We had a pretty busy weekend right before Nolan turned 5 months. Despite the very long drive to and from Michigan, I can say he really did pretty well. 🙂 I really can’t believe that Nolan is 5 months old already! Where has all the time gone? He’s growing up so fast but I am so glad I’m here to be able to witness it all.

Tucker James

Tucker James

We also added another member to the family, Tucker James, who was born 3 months after Nolan was born, to the date. As reluctant as I am to be having a puppy to look after and train, I hope he turns out to be a good pup and that they boys love having him to grow up with. He’s been a pretty good pup, so far. 🙂

Age: 5 months on August 11, 2015
Weight: 16 lbs
Height: 25.5 inches
Teeth: 0!
Clothing size: 3-6 months clothes
Diaper size: size 2
Milestones: grabbing (usually my hair which is why I don’t wear it down anymore), he’s putting himself to sleep by himself more frequently, and he’s been pulling his pacifier out and attempting to put it back in (and sometimes succeeding!). He has also learned to roll from his back to belly, now. He’s also started to try pushing himself up into the crawling this real right now? He’s growing and he’s growing fast!
Likes: talking, Braxton (pretty much anything that Braxton does), bath time, cuddles, swinging, his feet, gnawing on his hands/fingers and now his jumperoo.
Dislikes: sleeping on his back, really long car rides, and being woken up before he’s ready.

Sleeping: He still sleeps pretty well..he wakes up probably 2 or 3 times a night, which isn’t terrible. He takes pretty good naps except if he’s woken up ‘too soon’ he generally won’t just go back to sleep..he has to stay awake for a little while. But I can’t complain about his sleeping all that much- he does pretty well.

Eating: I’d say he probably eats every 4ish hours or so..sometimes more often and sometimes just depends on his mood. He’s generally a pretty good eater, too. He’s been showing more and more interest with our “big people food” so that’s exciting. I haven’t tried any food with him yet because I keep forgetting to grab the Baby Bullet from mom’s. I may still wait a little bit but we will see! 🙂 I can’t believe we’re almost at that point where he can be eating food with us.

Best Moments: watching him grow and learn new things is so much fun! But I think the best was going to Michigan to visit and see family! He loved seeing everyone and hanging out with everyone, too. I think the best part was seeing all of the different faces and he pretty much smiled at everyone! The drive- he could do without, though! 😉

Mommy Update: Mommy is doing well…but now I’m trying to get back into the hang of things. But other than that- things are going well and the boys are great. I still can’t seem to get over how great Braxton is with Nolan and how big Nolan’s ears are! 😉 They’re adorable and I’m blessed. Couldn’t ask for much better (except maybe better attitudes..)!
Heath has enrolled in the welding program at a college near us and he seems to be very excited, which makes me very excited, too. Not just for him but for our future and the future of our family. He starts on Monday and I hope he loves it for many years! 🙂 I definitely think it’s the right step for him and the family and it will get us on our long journey to what and where we would like to be and raise our family. It’s going to be a hard and rough next year and a half, but it will be worth it and I am so glad he’s doing it!

my loves!

my loves!

Nolan Craig: 3 Months Old


Age: 3 months on June 11, 2015
Weight: 14 lbs
Height: 24 inches
Teeth: 0..thank goodness!
Clothing size: 3 month clothing and summer time clothes in 0-3 months
Diaper size: 2’s.
Milestones: Nolan giggling, still working on that head control but he does well! 🙂
Likes: bath time, Braxton talking to him (or really anyone), sitting up, being held, sleeping (yay!), being on his belly, and he loves talking to others.
Dislikes: sleeping on his back, his car seat, shots, and being left alone.

Sleeping: Nolan still sleeps wonderfully! He naps nicely during the day and still sleeps about 4-5 hours at night. I have been blessed with another great sleeper! 🙂

Eating: Nolan is still a great eater..I still produce probably more than he needs but that’s OK. I’m still pretty nervous about going out without him because I’m not sure how well he does with a bottle. I think he does fine but I just worry. I don’t know why…I’m weird like that, I guess. I do think he’s going through a physical growth spurt because he’s eating quite a bit more!

Best Moments: probably when I finally got my sweet baby back after his bad reaction to his shots. :/ We had a very rough 5 to 6 days with him and it was awful. I’ve been spoiled with pretty good babies so to have a baby who was uncomfortable and screaming for 3+ hours. It was awful. But I’m glad to have my happier baby back!

Mommy Update: Mommy is doing well! 🙂 I’m down to my pre-pregnancy weight now but I could still lose like 15 lbs and be good. I did end up going up to 75mg on my Effexor XR medication to see if it would help with my exhaustion and I think it has a little. I don’t know if my thyroid is still acting up or what but I do still need to get that checked. But other than that, I am doing well. Heath and my parents were amazing when Nolan was going through his rough patch..I’m so lucky to have them, that’s for sure!


I love their love!

I love their love!