Nolan Craig: One Month Old!

Well, I can’t actually believe that our little man is a month old already! Time really flies when you’re having fun. 😉 It doesn’t actually seem like it’s been a month, though. I’m happy to say that we have a pretty good baby on our hands (for the most part).


Age: 1 month on April 11, 2015
Weight: 10 lbs
Height: 22 1/2 inches long
Teeth: none (thank goodness..I can’t even imagine!)
Clothing size: newborn & 0-3 month sleepers (he’s getting too long for the newborn ones already!)
Diaper size: 1. He could still be in newborn diapers but since I used them up and he’s started to grow- I decided that 1’s would just be more appropriate and end up less messy, if you get my drift.
Milestones: he holds his head up pretty well and loves tummy time which usually turns into nap time. He smiles a little bit (usually at a fan).

Sleeping: Nolan woke up every 2-3 hours the first week or so and he still will during his little growth spurt. Otherwise, he’s sleeping 4-5 hours at a time. I do love that he sleeps well but it’s not always the best scenario for my boobs. He has been staying up for about 6-8 hours off and on during the day so he definitely still takes some good naps during the day. 🙂

Eating: I think Nolan went through a growth spurt at week 3 because he was eating almost every 2 hours! Other than that, we’re back to the every 3-4 hours when he’ll eat during the day and every 4-5 hours during the night. He eats well and caught on to breastfeeding like a champ. In the beginning, it was hard because I had so much milk and was so full that I would end up choking him when my milk would let down which could be extremely messy. But I don’t know if he is either used to it now or if my boobs have settled down a little but he doesn’t choke as much now. (Thank goodness..!) I think I’m a little more comfortable to go out and nurse in public, if needed. Nolan also went in for his 1 week check (jaundice check) and weighed 7 lbs, 5 ozs so the doctor said we didn’t have to come back except for his 1 month. (woot-woot…way to go boobie milk!)

Best Moments: I think we’ve had a pretty busy-ish month his first month. We loved being able to see all kinds of people and Nolan being able to meet some pretty awesome people, too! His grandma Jo and Aunt Ryan came up from FL the week he was born and his Aunt Amanda, Uncle Jamie, and cousin Kaiden (& cousin in the womb) came down to meet him! He loved cuddling with his aunt and cousin. 😉

Mommy Update: Mommy is doing okay. I have to re-schedule my OBGYN appointment and I’ll probably ask to be brought back up on my medications because I’m feeling overwhelmed, which is probably due to having a toddler and newborn. Do I think I have some post partum depression going on? Probably. I don’t think it’s bad or severe or anything but I don’t want it to get bad, either. I have lost about 15 lbs so far so that’s pretty awesome but I have a lot of work to do yet. Other than trying to figure all of this whole “being a mom to 2 boys and being a mom to a toddler and newborn” thing out..I’m doing OK.


Nolan loves to watch ceiling fans and new faces (he gets sick of momma’s). He loves being sung to and talked to. He has great control of his head and has started “talking”. He would much rather sit straight up rather than leaning back..he loves to see what’s going on. He has gotten better at getting his diaper changed but still isn’t a HUGE fan. He loves baths, too!

4 thoughts on “Nolan Craig: One Month Old!

  1. Grandma U. says:

    You and me too Nicole, and I still have another great grandson and sooooooooon great granddaughter to meet. I love all the kids. 🙂

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